What I did over the Thanksgiving break.
Happy late Thanksgiving. Yes, after writing this, I realized I went over to Bradley’s five days in a row.
It seems a little over the top, but we had tons of fun! Also I realized that I forgot to take photos.
Wednesday: I went over to Bradley’s house. We hung out and watched TV. We did the usual boring stuff.
Thursday: I went over to Bradley’s at about 12 pm. We drove fifteen minutes to my grandfather’s house. We hung out with my dad’s side of the family for about 30 to 45 minutes, then we left. While at my grandfather’s house, we ate oysters because they were the only food that was fully cooked while we were there. We went back to Bradley’s house where his mom was cooking Thanksgiving dinner. My mom arrived a little bit later to eat and hang out with us. We ate rolls, ham, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese as well as stuffing. Then we watched the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. That movie is SOOO GOOD.
Friday: I had to work…Ugh! Good news! We had a our black Friday sale the weekend before. Then I went over to Bradley’s house. Bradley and I hung out and stuff. Then we decided to watch Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest. I decided to make gingerbread on Saturday.
Saturday: I went to Bradley’s house. Bradley’s niece and nephew were at his house. Bradley’s nephew ,Wiley, just played either the Xbox or with Minecraft legos. Bradley’s mom and I decided to make gingerbread cookies the night before. Bradley’s niece helped make them. Bradley’s niece, Tink, is five years old. She is so cute. Tink and I played games on my laptop. We had to wait to make cookies because the butter had to become room temperature and Bradley’s mom wanted to take them to a holiday train expo. We had to take photos with Santa. Then Bradley and I went to get sprinkles from my house and powder sugar from Food Lion. We got back to Bradley’s house and his mom had dinner ready. We had pasta and sauce. Then Bradley’s mom, Tink, and I made lots of cookies. The one’s Tink made turned out really good.
Sunday: Then I went to Bradley’s house. We then went to Home Depot to get clear lights for my Christmas tree. Then we went to Walmart to get colored lights with a white cord. Then we went to Target to get my mom her Christmas present and ended up buying Bradley’s dad his Christmas present. We then went back to my house. We were trying to put the lights on my tree, but realized they were twinkling clear lights. I kind of flipped out because of it… Then I decided to use them and now I love them. Then we played card games with my mom’s friends. Then went to Bradley’s house to play cards with his mom.
Thanks for reading. If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: Cara_lynn97. You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram.