The Leibster Award
So I was nominated by Hannah over at
The rules:
- thank the amazing blogger who nominated you. (Hannah deserves a lot of thanks because I probably wouldn’t have a post for today if she didn’t)
- Answer the eleven questions you’ve been asked
- Create your own eleven question
- Then nominate other bloggers!
1.) Why did you start blogging?
I really into reading other blogger writing back in 2014. (That seems so far away now) I saw how fun it looked so in december 24, 2014, I created then august 7th, 2015 I switched to
2.) Send us a link to your favorite blog right now.
I don’t really have a favorite blogger, but one of my favorites is aimee song at
3.) If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Probably teleportation…is that a super power?
4.) If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Well first I’d buy a new car…Preferably a 2015 Mustang
5.) What your major pet peeve?
I don’t really know
6.) What’s your biggest achievement?
uh…getting 900 views on my blog.
7.) What made you choose the name of your blog?
I couldn’t think of anything clever.
8.) Favorite perfume?
Eau so sexy by Victoria’s Secret
9.) What are you most looking forward to about spring?
Shorts and tank tops and the warm weather
10.) Ideal holiday destination?
Going to a different state like Florida.
11.) If you could give one piece of advice to new bloggers, what would it be?
Just keep writing and producing good content.
This one was given jemma from sweetpea life
1.) What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Probably taking the photos or writing
2.) What is your favorite movies and why?
Well one of them is the fast and furious series
3.) If you could choose a country to live in for the rest on your life, Which country and why?
I don’t know…
4.) Dog or Cat?
5.) If you were stranded on a deserted island and could have only three things (anything you’d like) What three thing would you have and why?
A phone with unlimited battery life, cell tower and a fully equip boat.
6.) What has been your most recent purchase?
A new purse from Forever 21
7.) What are your other passions in life, aside from blogging?
I like to take photos
8.) Chocolate or Chips?
9.) If you could host a dinner party with 4 people of your choosing, who would you invite and why?
George Washington, Marilyn Monroe, Babe Ruth, and Beethoven.
10.) Tell me one interesting fact about you?
I used to live in Italy.
11.) What’s one thing that makes you the most happy?
My family/friends/boyfriend
These questions are from alice from daintyalice.
1.) If you were a colour, what colour would you be?
2.) What’s your favorite blog post you’ve written?
valentine’s day outfits or boyfriend’s winter outfit
3.) Who is you biggest blogging inspiration?
Aimee song of style
4.) How do you fight blogger’s block?
reading other blogs
5.) What type of blogger are you? (eg. fashion, beauty.)
niche-less but more specifically fashion, beauty and lifestyle.
6.) Do you have any blogging regrets?
7.) What’s your favorite way to treat yourself?
Eat ice cream or candy
8.) What was the last thing you bought?
a purse from Forever 21
9.) Describe your dream holiday? Details please!
Going to Florida
10.) If you could have a selfie with anyone, who would it be?
Marilyn Monroe
11.) What’s your opinion on the Kardashians?
They are okay.
Thanks for reading! If you’re reading this I nominate you! Also follow me on Snapchat @caralynn97. As well as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. Take one these questions and comment your answer to it in the comments below!