Showing my Garden
*Disclaimer: I am not a plant expert. Also, a lot of our plants were bought from lowes as baby plants.*
*Disclaimer: There might be affiliate links in this post. Affiliate links are links to products that make me a small commission when you click on the link and/or purchase from the link.*
In North Carolina, where I live, It is extremely humid and hot in the summers. The summers equal the hurricane season. Some years it rains like no one’s business and other years we’re in a drought. 2020 is definitely a wet summer!
We have two types of peppers. One is purple bell peppers. The other we aren’t sure because it hasn’t produced anything yet. It could either be green bell peppers or banana peppers!
we have two types of mint. We have spearmint and peppermint. In the photos, the mint is cut down because it got spider mites in it. I had never heard of spider mite until this last week. The way to get rid of it is to water it correctly and spraying them down with neem oil.
we have a hanging tomato plant. It grows tiny yellow tomatoes. The plant has produced a lot of tomatoes.
The strawberry plant has only produced a small amount of berries.
Meyer Lemon Tree
I bought a Meyer lemon tree from lowes home improvement. It has tiny little lemons that aren’t ripe yet. That lemon tree is my baby tree.
We have a garlic plant growing in the backyard. The garlic plant started on our counter when It started growing. So we threw it in a pot and are hoping it will produce lots of garlic.
Lemon Thyme
We didn’t really know the difference between lemon thyme and regular thyme so we grabbed the plant put it in the garden too!
The basil was started as seeds by Anthony and now it is thriving. I am honestly proud of Anthony.
It’s growing pretty quickly. I don’t use a lot on parsley so it’s kind of just growing in the garden.
The rosemary took forever to start growing.
I don’t remember where we bought the lavender plant. However, I told dry petals off of It and have started making a lavender essential oil from it.
The lettuce was started from seeds by Anthony as well. It didn’t start growing until June and he started them in April. It took a very long time to grow.
Also, If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97 and at Askfm: @cara_lynn97. I answer a lot of questions on there so feel free to ask as well. Also, please be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Facebook. If you would like, you can share it on your social media accounts! Did you see my last post?

Best view i have ever seen !
Aw! Thanks!!