• Faith

    Ecuador Part Two

    Ecuador Part two This is Ecuador Part Two. This will highlight March 5th through March 8th. Monday, March 5th 2018 The entire time we were in Ecuador I woke up at 5:45am. So I woke up at 5:45am. Anthony and I met up at 7am to read the bible. At 9am we head to Paola’s to eat breakfast. Then later we headed to Catamayo, Loja. It was about an hour drive from Catacocha to Catamayo. We finally got to the place where we were holding the camp at 12:00pm. We all got settled in our cabins. We then had an 30 minutes of swimming before having to get ready for…

  • Faith,  Lifestyle,  Relationships

    Our Engagement Story

    Our Egagement Story Friday, March 9th, 2018 Yes, the title is accurate. I did get engaged. The story starts out in Ecuador on on Friday, March 9th, 2018. Anthony and I decided to see if we could find a ring I loved. We ended up finding my engagement ring. I absolutely loved it from the moment I saw it. The ring ended up being a really good deal. We got it in Otavalo, Ecuador. It is also known as the open air market. The vendor was so nice and super patient. He was picking out rings that fit the style I was already looking at. He was so helpful in…

  • Faith

    Ecuador Part One

    Ecuador Part One As many of you know I went to Ecuador for mission trip earlier this month. We were in Ecuador for 9 days. We went from March 2nd to March 11th. This is broken up into three parts. Part One outlining March 2nd through March 4th. Friday, March 2nd 2018 Friday was a travel day for us missionaries. We flew from our hometown to ATL (Atlanta) airport. The flight was only about an hour long. When we go to Atlanta, we had a small layover where we got dinner at a little airport convience store. It wasn’t the best but there was very little to chose from near…

  • Lifestyle

    Feburary Update

    As I write this post I am high up in the air somewhere heading to Ecuador. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I excited? Absolutely! Am I praying hard that I say the right things and really show these people the true love of God? YES YES YES! Feburary has really been a whirlwind of a month. Myself, Anthony and the rest of our mission trip group have been counting down the weeks/days until we left. We have been prepping, packing and most importantly praying. I have never thought in a million years that  I would be flying with a group of college students to Ecuador to show the people of…

  • Lifestyle

    The New Year | 2018

    The New Year | 2018 So 2018 is here. Obviously, people have their new year’s resolution, goals, and plans. I know for 2018 I have my goals and such. I will kind of be explaining what my goals for different areas of my life are. Blogging I have some goals for 2018 when it comes to this blog. I will be trying to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If I post every Monday that will fifty-three posts. Along with Wednesdays and Fridays ending up with fifty-two each. The year I will pre-write all content at least two weeks in advance. I now have my boyfriend, Anthony, to help me. He…

  • health and wellness

    Period tips + FAQ’s

    Period tips + FQA’s *This is a sponsored blog post. I am partnered with Knixwear whose subbrand is knixteen. A sponsored post means I was paid to place their product in my post. I would never post about something that does not align with my brand.* *Also I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or anything related to the medical field. Use caution with applying these tips. Always consult with your primary care physician before taking any supplements or doing anything listed below* I like to help women know how to take care of themselves. It is in my nature to help others. This has all of my tips and tricks for…

  • Beauty,  Fashion,  Lifestyle

    3 bloggers I admire

    This is a post about three bloggers I admire and why I admire them! I just want to kind of put the spotlight on bloggers who I think are killing it! Fashionmumblr: Also known as Josie. She is a British blogger/youtuber located in the UK. She has a following of 214,000 on youtube alone. She is super genuine in her content. Her fashion and beauty videos are always elegant and very inspirational. Hannah Gale: The blogger/youtuber who is also from the UK. She is the cutest pregnant lady ever. She currently at 10,000 youtube subscribers. She not only has high ticket price items on her blog but also stuff for your average…

  • My tree + new pajamas

    Holiday Playlist 2017

    These are a lot of my favorite holiday/Christmas songs in one playlist. This playlist includes the Nutcracker, Ukrainian bell carol, and much more. The artist in this includes Michael Buble, Pentatonix and much more. There are some Spanish tones included as well. I hope you enjoyed reading/listening to Holiday Playlist 2017! Also, If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97 and at Askfm: @cara_lynn97.  I answer a lot of questions on there so feel free to ask as well. Also, please be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Facebook. If you would like, you can share this on your social media accounts! Did you see my last post?

  • Food,  Lifestyle

    Peppermint Hot Chocolate Recipe

    Ingredients: Hot Chocolate Mix (I use swiss miss) Bailey’s Non-alcoholic White Chocolate Peppermint Bark coffee creamer Torani’s Peppermint flavoring Marshmallows (Optional) Peppermints or candy canes (Crushed) (Optional) Whipped Cream (Optional) How to: Step one: First, You place your hot chocolate mix in the mug of your choosing. Then you place hot water into the mug. Stir. I use an Areolatte to stir the hot chocolate. Make sure it is thoroughly stirred into the hot water. Step Two: Stir in your Peppermint flavoring and your white chocolate peppermint bark creamer into the hot chocolate. I usually guesstimate on how much of the two items I use. Some days I like to really taste the peppermint…

  • Fashion

    Perfect apple picking outfit

    Perfect Apple Picking Outfit This was my full outfit shot. The jacket is old but was from kohl’s. The shirt is from Kohl’s as well as the pants. The shoes are old and from Rue21. The scarf is from Kohl’s too.       This post was supposed to go up earlier last week but I forgot to post it so here it is haha. These photos were taken in New York. I loved this outfit. It was perfect for the temperature in New York. If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97 and at Askfm: @cara_lynn97.  I answer a lot of questions on there so feel free to…