
Hunter’s birthday!

So Monday was Hunter’s birthday. If you don’t know hunter is my younger brother. If I refer to Hunter as Joseph, it’s because Joseph is Hunter’s first name.


He went to school like any other 10th grader. Afterwards I picked him up from school. I took him to my dad’s neighbor’s house. They are pretty much our grandparents. They love celebrating birthdays like Hunter’s birthday and my birthday.

So when we went over there, we helped them clean some of the tables we were going to be using for hunter’s birthday. The reason we had to clean the tables is because the pollen had collected on them.

After that I helped set up for hunter’s birthday. We had a banner and plates that said happy birthday.

Hunter's birthday cara lynn

Hunter's birthday cara lynn blog

Hunter wanted to cook hamburgers and build a fire in the fire pit. He built a fire…It started to get extremely warm. The hamburgers started smelling so good after a few minutes.

Hunter's birthday cara lynn blog

Hunter's birthday cara lynn blog

Hunter's birthday cara lynn blog

My hamburger was so so so good. It was heavenly. I put potato chips on my hamburger because it taste so freaking good. I don’t like onions, mayo, mustard, etc. Here’s what it looked like!

Hunter's birthday cara lynn blog

Then we sung happy birthday to hunter and ate ice cream cake. The ice cream cake was really good as well. Hunter really enjoyed it. Here’s a look at the ice cream cake!

After eating cake, we had hunter open some of Hunter’s birthday presents. He only had one to open on m\Monday because the other has to be ordered.

Hunter's birthday cara lynn blog

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading about Hunter’s birthday! If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97. Please be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr,Pinterest and Facebook. If you would like, you can share this on your social media accounts.

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