How I edit my Instagram photos.
Today’s post is how I edit my Instagram photos. The reason I am doing today’s post is because I got a couple of DM’s asking how I edit my photos. I like to make it know that my Instagram photos consist of two types of photos, those taken with my iPhone 7 and those taken with my DSLR. My DSLR is Canon SL1. I usually use an EFS 18-55mm lens or a Canon Macro 60mm 1.4/f lens. I primarily use the 60mm for outfit shots. All of my outfit shots are taken by Bradley.
By the way, I started an Instagram account for my career in cosmetology. My IG is Cara_Lynn_hair. If you’d follow me on there, I’d be appreciative.
1.) First I pick out whatever photo I am going to post.
2.)Next thing I edit is any acne. I use the patch tool to cover it.
3.) Then I use the smooth tool to smooth my forehead. It makes the patch less noticeable and conceals any minor blackheads and whiteheads.
4.) As well as, I use the details tool to emphasize my eyes. I personally think that my eyes are one of my better features. Trust me bloggers have insecurities too! I also use the details tool on my lips. It jus brightens the lip color I was wearing. The lipstick is Maybelline in the shade 515 coral crush. The juicy shaker I have on over that is in the shade cherry symphony. It smells like legit cherries.
Finally, the photo below is the completed photo. It has been edited to my standard of having whiter teeth, smoother skin and bolder looking eyes.
This is the before. No editing. In my opinion, it’s not super atrocious but I wouldn’t post it on Instagram.
After all, This is all of my tips for how I edit my Instagram photos! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading my post about editing photos! If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97. Please be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Facebook. If you would like, you can share this on your social media accounts! Did you see my last post? If you like how I edit my photos in Photoshop, let me know in the comments!