General Information about Hair
This is a post about general! First things first, do you know what the hair strand is made of? or what your doing that is causing the real damage? How about what to do to fix it?
This general information about hair would
The hair is classified into different categories like Terminal hair and Vellus hair. The terminal hair is the long, course, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs, arms and bodies of both male and female. Vellus hair is the unpigmented, short, fine hair that grows in places that are seemingly hairless like the forehead, chin, bald scalp.
The hair has a wave pattern which is how it grows whether it is straight, wavy or curly. Heat does damage the hair. Yes, heat protectant will help to some extent. If you have curly hair you should give your hair some rest on the heat. The heat breaks the physical bond of the hair. That means that if you straighten your hair too much your hair won’t go back to how it was prior to excessive heat damage.
Your hair grows in a cycle like most things. These cycles are the Anagen phase, the Catagen phase and, the Telogen phase. The anagen phase is the growth period for the hair. The Catagen phase is the in between the growth and resting periods. The Telogen phase is the last phase of the cycle. It is when the fully grown hair will shed.
When you go to a stylist tell all that you have done to your hair. Everything! Every time you’ve colored your hair, relaxed it, permed it. When you tell him or her they will know what to do to make sure your hair doesn’t burn off, fall out or turn neon green. Also, bring photos of what you like in terms of color, style, and general look.
There are many times of disorders of the hair. Always tell your stylist what your experiencing. The same goes for the scalp. We are supposed to be trained to notice things that are not considered normal and can refer you to a physician or a solution to fix it. For example, If a client has ringworms (Tinea) then we are supposed to inform you and insist that you go to a physician. For things like dandruff, we can refer you to a brand/home care system to care for the issues.
Thanks for reading general information about hair. I hope you enjoyed reading my general information about hair! If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97. Please be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Facebook. If you would like, you can share this on your social media accounts!