Ecuador Part Two
Ecuador Part two
This is Ecuador Part Two. This will highlight March 5th through March 8th.
Monday, March 5th 2018
The entire time we were in Ecuador I woke up at 5:45am. So I woke up at 5:45am. Anthony and I met up at 7am to read the bible.
At 9am we head to Paola’s to eat breakfast.
Then later we headed to Catamayo, Loja. It was about an hour drive from Catacocha to Catamayo.
We finally got to the place where we were holding the camp at 12:00pm. We all got settled in our cabins. We then had an 30 minutes of swimming before having to get ready for lunch. After swimming, we had lunch at 1:00pm. After lunch we had crafts which was picture frames.
Then we went and had dinner at 6:30pm. After dinner, we had Ice breakers. Then we had the sermon done by Pastor Jim.
Afterwards we discussed the message.
Tuesday, March 6th 2018
We had breakfast at 8:00am. Then we had at ice breakers at 9:00am. After that, Pastor Jim had a sermon ready for the kids. Then we had a rec time at about 10:30am. After Rec, we got ready for lunch. Then we had lunch.
After lunch we had crafts at 2:00pm.The craft today was t-shirts. Then we have rec for the kids til it was time to get ready for dinner.

Then we had dinner at 6:30pm. After dinner we had the ice breakers and sermon. After the sermon, the cabin sat together and went over any questions they had. This day we really started to get to know each other.
Wednesday, March 7th 2018
Today we had breakfast at 8am. The we had ice breakers and Worship/sermon at 9am. After the sermon we had pool time. We got to go to the big pool and hang out. After having pool time, we dried off enough to go have lunch at 1pm.
After lunch, we had scrape books and then we gave the students a choice of either rec or pool. Some chose pool and others chose rec. After the free time, we got ready for dinner.
We had a little miss communication and all the cabins headed to dinner at 6pm instead of 6:30pm. So, we thought Pastor Jim, Pastor Victor and his wife Paola were late. Turns out they thought we knew the change of time. That only lead to us having more time to get ready before the next worship/sermon.

We then started the sermon early. After the sermon, we had a bonfire, roasting marshmellows, and time to really discuss the week that we had.
We also threw a little birthday party for one of the girls in Ashley and Natalie’s cabin.
Thursday, March 8th 2018
Today we had breakfast at 8am like all the other days. But unlike the other day we didn’t have a message we had only worship. After worship, 3 of us went and packed up and tore down the set-up which had been created on the monday. While the 3 packed up, the others hung out with the kids in the pool.
After we had lunch. We enjoyed the last hours we had with those students. After lunch we packed our own suitcases and said goodbye to the students. There were tears from some of the students. While saying our goodbye’s, we got different social medias to stay in contact with them. Then we headed to the airport to go to Quito, Ecuador.
Thanks for reading about Ecuador Part One. You can be on the look out for ecuador part three next week!
Also, If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97 and at Askfm: @cara_lynn97. I answer a lot of questions on there so feel free to ask as well. Also, please be sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Facebook. If you would like, you can share on your social media accounts! Did you see my last post.