
Autumnal Bucket List

Autumnal Bucket List

So I decided I would post an autumnal bucket list of sorts. I don’t know why but I absolutely love these sort of post. So here you go! Also surprise I posted this same type of post on the same day a year ago!

a day at a farm

  1. Try a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I know all of you are probably like “What? You’ve never tried a PSL before?!?” This has actually happened since writing this! So no worries now…I actually am obsessed.
  2. Seeing the changing leaves.
  3. Build a bonfire.
  4. Buy a pumpkin.
  5. Carve/decorate the pumpkin.
  6. Dress up for Halloween!
  7. Watch a marathon of Halloween movies like hocus pocus, Halloween town, etc. This I am beyond excited for.
  8. Jump in a pile of leaves.
  9. Wear cozy sweaters.
  10. Cuddle with Bradley. If you have no idea who that is, You may be new here! That’s my boyfriend. He’s usually behind the camera!
  11. Pick apples!

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading my about my autumnal bucket list! If you want, you can follow me on Snapchat: @caralynn97. Please be sure to follow me on TwitterInstagramTumblrPinterest and Facebook. If you would like, you can share this on your social media accounts

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