Hask hair care
So today’s post is a beauty review on the Hask Hair Care. * I would like to note I was compensated for writing this post but all opinions are my own and I genuinely love this product If I did not I would state that I didn’t* The Hask Charcoal Hair care set I received came with a deep conditioning hair mask, a charcoal shampoo and conditioner. As well as a hair brush which is not pictured. Let’s start with the shampoo which can be purchased from here. The charcoal in it is suppose to clarify the hair of gunk from all the dry shampoo, styling gels, hair sprays etc.…
Beach Bag Essentials
So today I am talking about what I consider my beach bag essentials during my trips to the beach and to the pool. I just got this colored tassel bag from Target. It is super big and spacious. Along with everything I need. It is also so cute. I love it. Beach Bag: merona I usually keep a drink of some sorts in it whether it be a bottle of water or a Mucho Mango Arizona tea. I need to have something to drink in my bag. Cover-up: Xhilaration Then I keep my beach cover-up in my bag when I am in the water. I have sunscreen and chapstick with…
Tips to be healthy
*NOTE: I AM NOT A CERTIFIED FITNESS OR NUTRITION EXPERT. CONSULT WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANYTHING IN THIS POST. I AM NOT LIABLE FOR ANYTHING YOU DO.* Well for starters, I love fitness and health. I love trying out healthy recipes and new workouts. I love working out in my home, riding bikes and walking on the beach. So here are some of my tips to be healthy and therefore happy. 1. You should eat as clean as possible. That means fruits, veggies and protein. As well as some sweets once in a while. 2. Make a workout schedule. Plan different workouts during the week. Go on…
Hunter’s birthday!
So Monday was Hunter’s birthday. If you don’t know hunter is my younger brother. If I refer to Hunter as Joseph, it’s because Joseph is Hunter’s first name. HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY HUNTER!!! He went to school like any other 10th grader. Afterwards I picked him up from school. I took him to my dad’s neighbor’s house. They are pretty much our grandparents. They love celebrating birthdays like Hunter’s birthday and my birthday. So when we went over there, we helped them clean some of the tables we were going to be using for hunter’s birthday. The reason we had to clean the tables is because the pollen had collected on…
Top tips for college students
So here are my tips for college students. I know that your money is tight as a college student and you probably want to quickly retain the necessary information. 1.) Highlight important information. Please don’t highlight the entire page…that defeats the purpose. 2.) Actually read the readings. Or you can use sparknotes or whatever other website similar to that. (I do not encourage this but I have done it…) 3.) Get free makeup samples at Sephora. This not only saves you money but you can figure out which products you like and which you don’t before buying the product. 4.) Get free samples from websites that are offering them. You…
Voxbox From Influenster
Hey guys! Today’s post is the Vobox. I received this from Influenster for free for testing purposes. The packaging was cute. It says Influenster on it and is turquoise. The first thing I saw when I opened the box was Snickers Crispers. It was so so good. The puffed rice was a great touch. I would definitely buy the Snickers bar again. Although I don’t know where I can buy another. (If you know where let me know in the comments!) Then I tried the NYC lip and cheek tint by Demi Lovato. I got Cheeky Pink. My only two issues were that it made my lips really really dry.…
*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate. That means I make a commission when purchases are made from the links* Shirt: Forever21 (Similar) | Shorts: Missimo (Similar)| Heels: Apt. 9 (Similar) | Purse: Forever21 (Similar) So I wore these patterned shorts and a black shirt with lace trim. These heels are from Kohl’s and they are extremely comfortable. There are also on sale for $35. Also they are limited quantity so If you want them order them soon. Which makes them a steal for how much I love them. The purse is from forever21 for about $30. It is an amazing purse. It can hold a lot of weight without breaking or…
TOMS Wish List
Here is my TOMS Wish List. These are the super cute items from TOMS that I am completely lusting over! I hope to get at least one of these items soon! 1.) White black canvas vintage tile women’s classics 2.) Sandstorm Leather Leila Women’s Booties 3.) Black Leather Women’s Zoe Sandels 4.) Blythe Shiney Gold 5.) Charlie rae matte black 6.) Chelsea Black Grey Grain Thank you so much for reading about what I want. This is by no means sponsored in anyway. I just went I online and decided I wanted these things and was like let’s post about it. If you want you can follow me on Snapchat:…
Beach Days!
So today we went to the beach on Saturday. It was a nice warm slightly rainy day. Our beach days are so much fun. I really enjoy spending relaxing time with Bradley. Here is a sneak peak into what I would wear on beach days with Bradley! | Dress: Old (Similar here and here)| For this dress, I picked black because it pretty timeless. I don’t think this will go out of style. The materiel is light weight and prefect for the summer. I wear this and receive so many compliments. This type of dress will work with most if not all body types. |Dress: old (Similar here and here)| This…
The Leibster Award
So I was nominated by Hannah over at somelittlethought.wordpress.com. The rules: thank the amazing blogger who nominated you. (Hannah deserves a lot of thanks because I probably wouldn’t have a post for today if she didn’t) Answer the eleven questions you’ve been asked Create your own eleven question Then nominate other bloggers! 1.) Why did you start blogging? I really into reading other blogger writing back in 2014. (That seems so far away now) I saw how fun it looked so in december 24, 2014, I created www.caralynn97.wordpress.com then august 7th, 2015 I switched to www.caralynn.co. 2.) Send us a link to your favorite blog right now. I don’t…