Feburary Update
As I write this post I am high up in the air somewhere heading to Ecuador. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I excited? Absolutely! Am I praying hard that I say the right things and really show these people the true love of God? YES YES YES!
Feburary has really been a whirlwind of a month. Myself, Anthony and the rest of our mission trip group have been counting down the weeks/days until we left. We have been prepping, packing and most importantly praying. I have never thought in a million years that I would be flying with a group of college students to Ecuador to show the people of Ecuador how good God really is. Over the many weeks, I have learned to have incredible, unimaginative faith in God. He has provided me with thw funds neccessary to go and spread His Word. Although, most of the people who donated probably don’t read this blog. I want to express how completely and utterly greatful I am for all of the people who help financially supported my calling to go to Ecuador and those who prayed for me and others who are going.
Second thing is I GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE THIS MAY! WOW! I have litterally like two and a half months left. There have been so many times that I have just really have wanted to quit. There have been times when I have been so elated and excited over the work I have done. In the end, I have been taught by so many great instructors. I am so thankful for the time that they take to really teach. I am thankful for all the clients putting their full and complete trust in me. I know some of them have problem been a little nervous letting a student touch their hair.
Thirdly, I should be updating regularly again.
Thank you to all of you who read this every time I post.